The Lantern Studios

What are Brand Guidelines?

  • Posted By: Admin
  • Date: Jul 10, 2022


“Products are made in a factory, but brands are created in the mind”


A set of tools and rules for how to apply your branding elements are known as brand guidelines. The guidelines are used by designers, writers, and anybody else who creates marketing materials using your brand’s assets, such as your logo.

It explains how your brand works and how the various elements come together to form your brand identity. Brand Guidelines express a variety of things; Be it internally, within your company or business, or externally to your partners, affiliates, and the general public. 

brand style guide - brand guidelines


Think of your brand identity as your company’s personality. It’s how the world recognizes you and trusts you. You won’t feel like you know someone if they constantly change how they look and act, and you won’t be able to trust them.

The same logic applies to brands: inconsistency will confuse and alienate your customers. A style guide is crucial because it helps your company to communicate consistently among all teams and channels.

social media brand voice - brand guidelines


Colour Palette

These are the hues that make up your company’s identity. It’s a good idea to limit the number of colour options you employ. So that your colours are consistent across digital and print forms, your brand standards should include RGB and CMYK colour codes.

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Typography is a visual element of your brand style guide that goes beyond the font you use in your company logo. It supports your blog design, tagline, and copy on your website.


Logo Design

How your logo should be displayed in different formats is an important part of your guidelines. This could include size restrictions, which colours to use, and how your logo should be displayed on different backgrounds. Sometimes it can be useful to demonstrate how logos SHOULD NOT be used.




Imagery could include the style of photographs, wordmarks, or icons your company uses on your website or marketing platforms. This could include illustrations, photos, and icons as people respond quickly to visual images instead of texts.


Brand Tone

Brand tone refers to the words that your company uses to show your brand’s values and personality.




brand image - brand guidelines

A clear understanding of the brand

Brand guidelines explain how employees can reflect brand values in the way they deal with customers. Everyone should have a clear understanding of what makes your organisation unique.

Brand consistency

With brand guidelines in place, you can ensure your brand’s elements are used effectively and look professional every time they are used. Consistency is important in making your brand recognizable and reliable. It ultimately communicates that your brand takes pride in the details.

They bring value

It is essential to comprehend the importance of the brand and how to leverage it.  Implementing brand rules makes it simpler to preserve the quality and integrity of your brand’s image. A brand’s perceived worth rises when its identity is consistent. Your brand will appear more professional and trustworthy if you are consistent.


Your brand will be easier to recognise among your target audience and within your industry if you maintain consistency. It can take a long time to establish a recognisable brand, but by adhering to your brand guidelines, you can do so quickly.



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